Well, the moment I have been waiting for is finally here. T. Music Festival is going to start in less than 5 hours! Woww *rock*!!! Courtesy of Cheesie, and sponsored by Nuffnang and Tiger, I have the chance to witness probably one of the best concerts of the year. Simply for me, a great concert must include great songs with great singers and not to be forgotten the entertaining/crazy fans including me! So guys, rock my world tonight!

A little background of tonight's concert
T. Music Festival is a 5-hour long marathon concert which features 20 of the most promising singers in the region of Asia.
Singers from Hong Kong: Joey Yung, Justin, Kay Tse, Khalil Fong, Soler and Kenny Kwan
Taiwan: David Tao, Power Station and Sam Lee
China: Jade Liu and Ocean
Thailand: James and Chin
Singapore: Kelvin Tan
and Our local talents: Z-Chen, Eric Lim, Kay, Manhand, Andrew Tan and Rickman.
Songs that I hope can listen tonight are..
Songs that I hope can listen tonight are..
ai hen jian dan by David Tao. Probably the easiest song for everyone to sing together and tears apart the National Stadium! Simple + meaningful lyric= great song. Just practice the three words that you always tell your loved ones would be enough. It would be good if you can bring the girl you love, but not dare to tell her that you love her, to the concert. Maybe David Tao can lend you a hand by singing this song.
男人KTV by Justin. Been to Gary Chaw concert last year and as a special guest, Justin performed this song with the singalong crowds. What a great feeling then! Dont mind another feat like that. Bring it on Justin!
方大同 Singalong song. I dont care whether you look like Ah Beng or not as long as you are a good singer. But he is not just a good singer, a great composer too! Welcome to Malaysia, Fang Da Tong! I hope you will go home with a great impression of Malaysian fans!
衝動 by 動力火車! Power Station is probably the best Chinese rock band, with two brothers, in the world. Tonight will be the first time I listen to them sing Live *excited*. Another great and more famous song is Walking along Jhonghsiao East Street Nine Times. Any one will do fine for me. Two will make me a lucky guy. haha..
我聽見有人叫你寶貝 by 林健輝. Eric Lim is a good singer from our own country. Maybe he just need to put more feelings into his songs to make us feel him. This song is just nice for him.
Woww, too many great songs to enjoy tonight. Other singers Im looking forward are Sam Lee, Jade Liu, Joey Yung, James, Kay Tze.... I think I better stop here and take a good rest before I rock for a loooong 5 hours later! :)
Let me sum up my feeling for now with a song..
Lovely post! Dropping by...
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halo halo~~
I was there too ~
T Music Festival~ haha
T-Music Festival was really a blast!!! i can only say i darn enjoyed the concert!
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